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XV International

Ichnofabric Workshop

Prague, Czechia, April 27 - May 3, 2019


  Dear 15th IIW participants,
I am sorry (chiefly to the photo author) that nowhere in the written matter of the Prague IIW is the information that the CT image used in workshop logo was taken by Jana Bruthansova (National Museum, Prague). I mean that those who whitstanded the Friday discussion on the future of computed tomography in the study of ichnofabric remember both the National Museum and the input to Jana to the research included our still single published paper ( ).

But it is clearly my mistake; thereby, I hope it is eliminated by this message.

Otherwise: I feel better, being closer and closer to a normal physical regime. I hope your travel from Prague was not a nightmare, and that you have kept more good memories from Czechia than the opposite ones.

Best wishes

Welcome Note
April 27 - May 3, 2019

Vila Lanna

V Sadech 1
160 00 Prague 6

Czech Republic

XV International Ichnofabric Workshop

convened by Radek Mikuláš

We don’t have to wait for an International Ichnofabric Workshop to 2021. The next one (i.e., the 15th) will take place in PRAGUE, CZECHIA, between April 26th and  May 3rd, 2019!

I came to the decision to offer the time and place for the Workshop after thorough discussions with several people I put my trust in.

What the workshop can offer to you? Type areas of Asterosoma, Bergaueria, Pragichnus, coal mining cores of Carboniferous, Permian, Cretaceous and Neogene, clastic Ordovician with shales, greywackes, sandstones and ferrolites of many variabilities; tuffaceous shallow-water Silurian with surprising density and size of traces, Devonian Zoophycos ichnofabric and many others. It would be nice to visit also some archaeological site having a strong ichnofabric context which, however, depends on good luck. We will probably avoid the Carpathian part of Czechia as it has been partly covered with Alfred Uchman and his 2nd (2008) Ichnia.

I think it is not necessary to explain what the participants shall bring as the topic of their talks, posters or samples. Dozens of projects related to ichnology are running on each of the continents, and since 1991 ichnologists have always found enough news to share them with the community. I can ask you to bring rather novel and less studied problems; but I know that the participants are the the first who aim to be original and novel.

Radek Mikuláš


Scientific secretariat:

Radek Mikuláš ( / scientific questions: presentations and abstracts)


Workshop secretariat:

Conference Partners Prague s.r.o., Sokolská 26, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 262 108, +420 224 262 110 / Fax: +420 224 261 703

Workshop Email:

Alexandra Sternberg ( / organisational questions, accommodation, accounting)

Martin Zein ( / organisational questions, accommodation, accounting)

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